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Re:fuelAuckland City Church

Re:fuel Community is for those who are in the young post-graduate community at GCC. We meet every Wednesday night at 7pm at GCC. 

From 7pm until 8pm we spend time together as a community, debating the issues of the day and having conversations about how a follower of Jesus

should respond to those issues. From 8pm - 9pm we break-off into cell groups, then at 9pm we have supper together.

Vision statement : 'To be and make disciples of Jesus Christ in authentic community for the good of the world.' Auckland City 

Vision has three important ideas Auckland City Church

  • Discipleship : refuel community provides an opportunity for people to meet and have conversation about what it means to be a disciple in our post-modern world

  • Community : discipleship is not a journey someone should embark on alone. We are passionate about authentic community. Once a month we have pot-luck dinner together.

  • The world : we are committed to giving people practical tools they can use to reach people in their world. For example, how to reach someone from another faith in the context of the workplace. Auckland City Church

Auckland City Church Auckland City Church
If you would like to know more call 520 1288

Leading the Re:fuel Community

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